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18 Month Sprout GIC

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5 Year Fixed High Ratio Mortgage

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6-Month GIC

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Savings Accounts Rate1
Regular Savings Account (interest paid semi–annually) 0.05%
Children's Savings Account (interest paid semi–annually) 0.10%
US Dollar Account (interest paid quarterly, $200–$4,999) 0.30%
US Dollar Account (interest paid quarterly, $5,000+) 0.40%
Euro Account (interest paid quarterly, €1,000–€9,999) 0.00%
Euro Account (interest paid quarterly, €10,000+)



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High Interest Savings Accounts Rate1
Earn More Savings Account (interest paid monthly) 0.25%
Earn More Savings Business Account (interest paid monthly) 0.25%
Earn More TFSA (interest paid monthly) 0.25%
Earn More RRSP/RRIF/RESP (interest paid monthly) 0.25%

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Rates are subject to change without notice at any time. Offers may change or be withdrawn at any time. Other conditions and restrictions apply.

Cashable Term Deposits Rate1
Flex20 GIC (20-month–Available in non-registered, RRSP, TFSA, RRIF & LIRA plans)2 4.25%
Flex30 GIC (30-month–Available in non-registered, RRSP, TFSA, RRIF & LIRA plans)3 4.15%
Flex40 GIC (40-month–Available in non-registered, RRSP, TFSA, RRIF & LIRA plans)4 4.15%
Flex50 GIC (50-month–Available in non-registered, RRSP, TFSA, RRIF & LIRA plans)5 4.10%
Flex80 GIC (80-month–Available in non-registered, RRSP, TFSA, RRIF & LIRA plans)6 4.00%

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60–179 Day 1.50%
180–364 Day 2.50%
6 Month9A 5.50%
1 Year 5.00%
18 Month  4.90%
2 Year 4.25%
3 Year 4.15%
4 Year 4.15%
5 Year 4.10%
7 Year 4.00%

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Non-Redeemable Term Deposits Rate1
32–59 Day 1.25%
60–179 Day 1.50%
180–364 Day 2.50%
3 Month8 5.00%
3 Month9 ($100k or more) 5.25%
6 Month9 5.50%
1 Year 5.00%
18 Month 4.90%
2 Year 4.25%
3 Year 4.15%
4 Year 4.15%
5 Year 4.10%
7 Year 4.00%

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Redeemable Term Deposits Rate1,7
180–364 Day 2.00%
1 Year 4.10%
18 Month 4.65%
2 Year 3.75%
3 Year 3.65%
4 Year 3.65%
5 Year 3.60%
7 Year 3.50%

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1 All rates stated are per annum. All CDN$ term deposits, RRSPs, RRIFs, RESPs, and LRIFs have a $500 minimum. On non-redeemable term deposits, interest is paid or compounded annually.

Rates are subject to change without notice at any time. Offer may change or be withdrawn at any time without notice. Other conditions and restrictions apply.

2 Cashable after 12 months at 3.25%.

3 Cashable after 12 months at 3.15%.

4 Cashable after 12 months at 3.15%.

5 Cashable after 24 months at 3.10%.

6 Cashable after 12 months at 3.00%.

7 2% penalty to redeem early (if interest rate is less than 2%, then 0 interest paid).

8 Cashable at 4.75%.

9 Cashable at 5.00%.

9A Only TFSA is cashable at 5.00%. RRSP, RESP and RRIF are not cashable.

Low Rate Mortgage (Insured High Ratio) Rate
6 Months Convertible 9.99%
1 Year Fixed Closed 6.74%
2 Year Fixed Closed 6.69%
3 Year Fixed Closed 6.34%
4 Year Fixed Closed 6.24%
5 Year Fixed Closed 5.29%
3 Year Variable Rate 6.95%
5 Year Variable Rate 6.45%

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First Rate 2nd Mortgage Rate
6 Month (Convertible) 9.99%
1 Year Fixed Closed 7.59%
2 Year Fixed Closed 7.44%
3 Year Fixed Closed 7.19%
4 Year Fixed Closed 7.14%
5 Year Fixed Closed 6.99%
3 Year Variable Rate 7.55%
5 Year Variable Rate 7.25%
1 Year (Open) 9.99%

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Co-op and Co-ownership Mortgage Rate
6 Month (Convertible) 9.99%
1 Year Fixed Closed 7.99%
2 Year Fixed Closed 7.84%
3 Year Fixed Closed 7.59%
4 Year Fixed Closed 7.54%
5 Year Fixed Closed 7.39%
1 Year (Open) 9.99%

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DUCA's Prime Rate: 6.70%. All rates are subject to change without notice at any time. Offer may change or be withdrawn at any time without notice. Other conditions and restrictions apply.

All applicants must meet the DUCA Financial Services Credit Union lending criteria. Other conditions and restrictions apply. Products and their features may change at any time. Variable interest rates may change at any time. This is a general description only. For more information and product terms and conditions contact your branch.

Each annual percentage rate (APR) is calculated based on a mortgage of $100,000 with monthly payments and a 25-year amortization. APR assumes no fee(s) apply. If we require you to obtain an appraisal, or incur any additional fee(s) it would increase your APR. All residential mortgages are calculated half-yearly, not in advance.

Flex mortgage rates are subject to 10 bps increase for mortgage amortization greater than 25 years. 

To learn more about DUCA's Posted Rates, Early Prepayment Charges and Interest Rate Differential (IRD), please see here.

RRSP Loan Rate
1 Year Variable 7.20%
2 Year Variable 7.70%
3 Year Variable 8.20%

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PrimeLine Line of Credit Rate
Secured - Owner Occupied Residential Real Estate 7.20%

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New "Go Green" Hybrid Car Loan Rate
1 Year 7.00%
2 Year 7.10%
3 Year 6.75%
4 Year 6.40%
5 Year 6.40%
Variable Rate - 5 Year Max 8.69%

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New Car Loan Rate
1 Year 7.50%
2 Year 7.60%
3 Year 7.25%
4 Year 6.90%
5 Year 6.90%
Variable Rate 9.19%

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1 Rates are subject to change without notice at any time. Offer may change or be withdrawn at any time without notice. Other conditions and restrictions apply.

Service fees

Personal banking – see PDF

Business banking – see PDF